¦ Minute List ¦
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 October 2016 ¦  November 2016 ¦  December 2016 ¦

June 2016

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held in 'Yr Aelwyd', Tregynnwr at 6.30pm on Thursday 16th June 2016.

PRESENT: Councillor David Watson (Chair), Geraint Bevan, Glenda Lloyd, Robin Griffiths, Paul Totterdale, Alun West, Elwyn Williams, Sandra Thomas, Alexandra Trowbridge-Mathews and Lee Whatley (from Item 4)

APOLOGIES: Councillor Margaret Wilkins, Dafydd Williams

Prior to the meeting starting a minutes silence was held in memory of Jo Cox MP

1. Chair's Announcements

No announcements

2. Declaration of Interest


3. Minutes AGM 2016

It was moved by Cllr R Griffiths and seconded by Cllr P Totterdale (minute 0616-3) and RESOLVED unanimously to approve as a correct the minutes of the 2016 AGM held on May 12th 2016

:: Councillor Whatley joined the meeting ::

4. Minutes.

Following a minor amendment it was moved by Cllr Elwyn Williams and seconded by Cllr A West (minute 0616-4) and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting and Planning Sub-Committee held on 19th May 2016.

5. Matters Arising .

Matters raised / resolved outside meetings

i) Paths in Penymorfa - On agenda.
ii) Llwybrau Llangynnwr - On agenda.
iii) Seats within Parish - Awaiting cost from Carmarthenshire County Council.
iv) Llangunnor Road Speed Restrictions - I confirm that the 2016-17 traffic management scheme delivery programme is populated wholly, and only, with traffic management speed limit/traffic calming/traffic regulation order projects being carried over from the 2015/16 delivery programme. There are no traffic management schemes in the 2016/17 programme that are being initiated (new engineering design briefs, consultation with local Members etc) from first principles in the current financial year.
All newly initiated traffic management projects to be delivered in 2017/18 will be selected on the basis of a prioritised schedule / programme (as indicated below). On the basis of my explanation in the first paragraph above, the Traffic Management section is not in a position to re-consider its 2016/17 delivery programme, as we have resources only to continue with those projects commenced during / before the 2015/16 financial year.
v) Bollards by 'old milk factory' - Response from Carmarthenshire County Council: "One of the bollards is due to be relocated to hopefully prevent cars driving through it. We'll monitor it after the bollard is moved and if we need to put more in we will".
vi) Cllr Selwyn Thomas - Clerk received phone call from Selwyn and he wished to thank the committee for their kind words but would not be withdrawing his resignation letter. The Clerk informed the meeting that notices will now be placed asking whether electors request an election the "request for such an election is given by ten electors for the electoral area of the said Community Council", notices will go up on the 20th June request required by 11th July - (minute 0616-5.vi)
vii) Council Vice Chair Chain/Badge of Office - Chair in discussion with Queen Elizabeth High School, update at next meeting.

6. The Park

The Clerk reported that the sub-committee had met prior to meeting, matter discussed included:

a) Park Entrance/Picnic Area - Sub-committee had approved the decision of Chair/vice to award contract to lowest tender A&M Plant Hire (£15,248.51 + VAT) - preparatory work had commenced. This was unanimously supported by Council (minute 0616-6a)).
b) Paths in Penymorfa - The sub-committee recommends to Council that this project be taken forward, in the meantime the Clerk to get further details of what work was entailed including costs and report back to finance sub-committee/council (initial estimate £15,248), This was unanimously supported by Council (minute 0616-6b)).
c) Llwybrau Llangynnwr - The sub-committee recommend to Council that this project be taken forward and that Clerk contact Trysor for up to date details on costs etc. unanimously agreed (minute 0616-6c).

It was noted that early indications from Carmarthenshire County Council were favourable that S106 monies could be used to support these projects.

7. Web Sub-Committee

The Clerk reported that the committee had met and that progress was being made on updating the webpage, this would take some time and that the next meeting of the sub-committee would be after the August recess. It also wished Council to consider two matters:

a) The Welcome Pack - Following some debate it was unanimously agreed (minute 0616-7a)) that the Welcome Pack be updated and placed on the webpage, should members require hard copies then they should contact the Clerk.
b) Photographs - Following a brief discussion it was unanimously agreed (minute 0616-7b)) that the Chair of the sub-committee (Cllr Whatley) and the Clerk draw up a proforma so that permission be given for any photographs taken by members could be used on the webpage.

8. Finance Sub-Committee

Meeting to be arranged before next monthly meeting.

9. To Consider Street Parking Variations in Llangunnor

Following some discussion it was agreed that the Clerk write to Carmarthenshire County Council asking if lines could be extended on the right hand side at the entrance to Tregynnwr (top of Babell Hill / Haulfryn)

10. To Consider Traffic entering/leaving Nantycaws tip

Cllr Griffiths expressed his continuing concern in respect of large commercial vehicles leaving the tip, some were turning right but trailers remained in the fast lane, some were heeding the sign which advised no right turn but were then making u-turns at the Nantycaws turning, Cllr Griffiths views were supported by many other members.
It was unanimously agreed (minute 0616-10) that the Clerk write again to the Highways Agency highlighting these issues and the dangers involved. It was also agreed that the Clerk again bring to their attention the need for lighting at the Nantycaws turning.

11. Reports from Members Representing Council on other Bodies.

One Voice Wales - Monthly meeting to take place and AGM, update at next meeting

Riverside Association - On track for the 2nd July

School Governors - No meeting had taken place

Code of Conduct Training - Cllr Whatley reported that he had attended this training session and had found it very beneficial, handout to be circulated to members

12. Approve the Schedule of Accounts

It was Resolved (minute 0616-12) proposed Cllr Lloyd and seconded Cllr Sandra Thomas (unanimous) that the accounts submitted be approved.

A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (31/05/16) 75.00
CJ Thomas Salary - June 2016 547.35
Office Allowance - June 2016 95.00
IT Allowance - June 2016 35.00
Postage (Accounts to auditor - Recorded delivery) - Reimbursement 2.37
Stamps - Reimbursement 6.60
Travelling 71.10
SLCC 2 delegates to Wales Training Day with One Voice Wales 165.60
Zurich Insurance Council Insurance Premium 494.41[1]

B) Council to note receipt of income: None

The Clerk reported that he had received two quotations for insurance cover (July 2016 - June 2017) the existing providers Zurich were providing the best quote, the Chair of Finance had examined the documents and was satisfied that it provided the cover required, the Clerk reported that he had received quotes for 1,3 and 5 year period. It was unanimously agreed (Minute 0616-12-4) that the Council take out the 3 year extended cover provided by Zurich Insurance.

13. Correspondence

It was RESOLVED (minute 0516-13 ) that the following correspondence be noted/action taken.

No Nature of Correspondence Agreed Action
1 Request from Town Council that mayor can wear chain 'should he be invited to an event in your community' Noted - Town Council be asked to inform Community Council when events take place
2 One Voice Wales AGM - Payment request for delegates (Cllrs Lloyd & Whatley) July 6th. Noted
3 2016-2018 National Pay Agreement. Noted - To be on Agenda of next Finance Sub-Committee
4 Letters of thanks received from all charities that received donations from May's meeting Noted
5 Insurance for 16/17 renewal Noted
6 Brian Gerrard - Avalon, Mount Hill Rise Clerk to write to Carmarthenshire County Council highlighting Mr Gerrard's concerns
7 Clerk reported that he had received an invitation for Carmarthenshire County Council for members to attend the Big Lunch on Monday 18th July To be placed on webpage/noticeboards

14. Any Other Business.

• "Dog mess" in school field - Clerk to report to Carmarthenshire County Council and discuss way forward with them and headmaster.
• Brambles on footpath near paint shop in Llangunnor Road.
• Weeds in housing estates generally - Clerk to contact Carmarthenshire County Council.
• Verges/Hedges down Sticle Path to school becoming overgrown.
• Cllr Whatley asked that a Litter Pick be placed on agenda of next meeting. Issues with litter in Roman Road he would monitor.

15. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 21st July 2016 at Yr Aelwyd.

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 October 2016 ¦  November 2016 ¦  December 2016 ¦

Every effort has been made to check the above for accuracy however if you find a mistake please contact us.

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