Cymdeithas Sant Cynnwr - Beginnings

A parish meeting was held on the 24th February 1964 at Login School Room, the purpose of the meeting was to assess public feeling in the Llangunnor area of the need to set up a "Social Centre".

The minutes of that first meeting recorded sixty people in attendance and indicated to those present the desire for a social centre in Llangunnor. The remainder of this meeting was spent discussing the makeup of the committee and selecting officers.

It was at the second meeting that it was decided to form an association to be known as Cymdeithas Sant Cynnwr - an association to enhance the needs of all the community.

The society was active within Llangunnor from 1964 to 1989 and we will over time publish the records of the work they did within Llangunnor, currently we have programmes from the local carnival.

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