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 October 2018 ¦  November 2018 ¦  December 2018 ¦

April 2018

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held in 'Yr Aelwyd', Tregynnwr at 6.30pm on Thursday 19th April 2018.

PRESENT: Councillor Lee Whatley (Chair), Geraint Bevan, Robin Griffiths, Paul Totterdale, Alun West, Elwyn Williams, Sandra Thomas, Alexandra Trowbridge-Matthews, and Jennifer Slate arrived for item 3

APOLOGIES: Councillor Adrienne Mackintosh, Vivian Davies and Dafydd Williams

Declaration of Interest

Item 12 - Cllr Elwyn Williams declared an interest as trustee of Philadelphia Chapel also Cllrs Griffiths, Thomas and West as members of Llangunnor Church
Item 14 - Councillor Whatley as he attended River Festival meetings

1. Resignation

The Clerk reported he had received a letter of resignation from Cllr Smith on work and health grounds, the Council although accepting her reasons were disappointed as new ideas on the Council were always welcome; the Clerk to write to Cllr Smith asking whether she would reconsider her position

2. Police Report

Date Type Call Resolution
22/03/2018 ANIMAL RELATED Llangunnor Park Police attend with concerns for members of the community Dog on dog attack, no person injured. Words of advice given to dog owners
31/03/2018 ASB Noise complaint Brynmeurig Police attended and all in order on arrival. Residents advised accordingly
12/04/2018 Traffic Matters/Speeding Babell Hil, Llangunnor RPU informed and planning a join speeding operation
12/04/2018 SUSIPIOUS INCIDENT Two person seen looking into properties near Babell Hill, Llangunnor Intel log submitted and local officers informed. NPT monitoring
16/04/2018 TRAFFIC MATTER/Littering/Vehicles Congregating Krazy Kids car park Intel log submitted and NPT patrolling the area

3. Chair's Announcements

The Chair welcomed all to his last meeting in the Chair before the AGM, it had been a quiet month with him attending no events on behalf of the council and that he planned to give a full report on his activities for the year at the AGM. He read out a letter received from the St Cynnwr WI thanking him for his recent donation and how it would be spent. He wanted it recorded that he was grateful for the support given to him over the last year by councillors and especially by the Clerk.

It is important that the Chair and Clerk work together to ensure meetings are effective and run smoothly, he felt that he could have done more to support the Clerk and hoped that future Chairs would ensure this happened. He reminded Councillors now was the best time to identify potential locations for flower planting within the community

4. Public Questions


5. Minutes.

It was moved by Cllr Totterdale and seconded by Cllr Bevan (minute 0418-5) and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting and Planning Sub-Committee held on March 15th 2018

6. Matters Arising

Matters raised / resolved outside meetings

No matters arising

7. The Park / Environment Sub-Committee

No meeting had taken place

8. Web / Media Sub-Committee

Meeting had taken place on previous evening (draft minutes on website by early next week. The Chair went through quickly what had been discussed and confirmed that the Council website would be included in the Dewis Directory. He also reported that the sub-committee thought that in the first instance an annual newsletter / report be produced, Cllr Slate suggested that an information sheet circulated to all homes would be advantageous just to let residents know of the Council, this was supported, it was unanimously agreed (minute 0418-8) that this be referred back to the new sub-committee formed at the AGM

9. Finance Sub-Committee

Following a brief discussion it was It was unanimously moved (minute 0418-9) that the accounts for 17/18 be approved, the Chair to sign the Annual Return and they be presented to the Internal Auditor

10. Christmas Decoration Sub-Committee

Clerk informed Council that the draft minutes of meeting held 18th April would be on the website by early next week

11. Renumeration Panel for Wales Report

The Clerk explained that the council must make a payment available to members, members who did not wish to receive any payment or part of the payment would have to decline in writing to the Clerk. Other allowances within the report were authorised to be paid and members would have to make a claim to the Clerk/council. Following a brief discussion, it was unanimously agreed (minute 0418-11) that any payments would be made in March 2019 (to allow discussions with HMRC to be concluded), payments would go from AGM to AGM

12. Update from Valero Consultation (Declarations of Interest by Councillors Elwyn Williams, Griffiths, Thomas and West)

A report from the Task and Finish Group was circulated, following some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bevan and seconded by Cllr Totterdale that the report be accepted (minute 0418-12). It is noted that Cllr Elwyn Williams declared an interest as trustee of Philadelphia Chapel also Cllrs. Griffiths, Thomas and West as members of Llangunnor Church and they took no part in the vote

13. Nominations for officer positions on the Council

The Clerk reported that the following nominations had been submitted to him
Chair: Cllr Sandra Thomas [Nominated Cllr Whatley, Seconded Cllr Griffiths]
Vice-Chair: Cllr Robin Griffiths [Nominated Cllr Elwyn Williams, Seconded Cllr S Thomas]
Chair of Planning: Cllr D Elwyn Williams [Nominated Cllr R Griffiths Seconded Cllr P Totterdale]

14. Consider Requests for Financial Support (Declaration of Interest by Councillor Whatley)

The following were unanimously agreed Minute 0418-14 Cllr Whatley declared an interest as a member of the River Festival Committee

Organisation Supported (£) Amount
Tenovus Cancer Care Yes 60.00
Cruse Bereavement Care Yes 60.00
Teenage Cancer Trust Yes 60.00
Shelter Cymru Yes 60.00
Children's Wales Air Ambulance Yes 60.00
River Festival Yes 60.00
Bopath - Cerebral Palsy Specialist Yes 60.00

15. Arrangements for the AGM

Clerk confirmed that Sugarcraft were again available to provide the refreshements, it was agreed that the usual invites be sent out to groups and associations in the community. It was also agreed that all Councillors who had finished on the Council since last AGM be invited. It was also unanimously agreed (minute 0418-15) that a) Sugarcraft supply the refreshments and b) the following be given Community Awards

• Hywel Evans (milkman)
• Michael Phillips (milkman)
• Mrs Eileen Jones (sugarcraft)
• Mr Cyril Phillips (Llangunnor Church)

16. Reports from Members Representing Council on other Bodies

Riverside Association - Councillor Whatley had attended the meeting held on Monday not really much to say. Plans were underway to really increase footfall at the event this year. He had also had a tour of the Quay Centre. He had hoped that the council would have supported the event to a greater extent than it had

One Voice Wales - He had attended the annual awards meeting, the standards as normal were impressive and he had spoken to representatives from a smaller council who were of the impression that the schemes being discussed were way out of their leagues. A council had installed defibrillators and held cpr courses provided by St Johns Ambulance in the community and a second session on the use of the machines. Carmarthen Town Council had won a few awards and been highly commended. It was agreed that the council send an email to congratulation them on their success

School Governors - Next meeting scheduled for 17th May

Carmarthen Town Forum - No Report

Training - No Report

17. County Councillor's Report

Nothing to report

18. Approve the Schedule of Accounts

It was Resolved (minute 0418-18) proposed Cllr Griffiths and seconded Cllr West (unanimous) that the following payments be authorised:

A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (31/03/18) 75.00
CJ Thomas Salary - April 2018 585.69
Office Allowance - April 2018 100.00
IT Allowance - April 2018 40.00
Carmarthenshire County Council Project Management (Nantycaws)[Jan 2018: £702.17 + VAT] 842.48
Project Management (Nantycaws + Llangunnor Playing Field) [Feb 2018: £665.57 + VAT] 798.68
DLO Charges Clos King Morgan (Cutting back overgrowth in ditch) [£250 + VAT] 300 [Not Paid][1]
Cllr L Whatley Travelling to Builth Wells
One Voice Wales Annual Awards
Carmarthen Youth Project Chair's Donation 100.00
Llangunnor School (School Council) Chair's Donation 100.00
Llangunnor Church Flower Account Chair's Donation 50.00
Carmarthen Foodbank Chair's Donation 50.00
Sugarcraft Guild Chair's Donation 25.00

Clerk to check details/work carried out

B) Council to note receipt of income: None

19. Correspondence

The following correspondence be noted/action taken.

No Nature of Correspondence Agreed Action
1 Parking in Haulfryn - Carmarthenshire County Council: Ian Thomas from Highways hasn't had time to do the survey on how many spaces there would be if there were bays. However Ian has said to tell you that the current size as stated in the parking standards is 2.6m wide x 4.8m long but we usually use 5.0m.If the bay is lengthways along a kerbline they are 6.0m long x 1.8m wide (min.), but we try and make them 2.0m wide if space allows.Residents parking only signs has been ordered as the sign is bigger than normal we are waiting for the sign to come in before it being installed Noted
2 Green Paper: Strengthening Local Governement Delivering for the People - Circulated Noted
3 Community Link - Circulated Noted
4 1 Voice Wales: Response to the Community and Town Council Review - Circulated Noted
5 Hywel Dda: Drop in events - Circulated (St Peters Hall 8th May 2.00pm till 7.00pm) Noted
6 Invitations received for Chair to:
a) Mayor making with Town Council
b) YFC Rally
Passed to Chair elect
7 Carmarthenshire County Council: Code of Conduct Training - Council Chamber Thurs 14th June or Tues 26th June (6.00pm - 8.00pm) Noted

20. Councillor's Report

• It was noted that Dyfed Powys Police were celebrating 50 years since its establishment, it was agreed to send a letter of congratulations to the Chief Constable
• Cllr. Griffiths to take picture of daffodils at entrance to Haulfryn to assist with positioning of seat
• Following the item on the Police Report in respect of the dog attack (on dog) in the park that it be referred to the Park and Environment Sub-Committee for consideration
• Bins in park being used for household rubbish and the ones outside park not been emptied, Clerk to contact Carmarthenshire County Council
• The Chair gave an update on the Health Check Questionairre that had been circulated, it was agreed to defer any decisions to the July meeting

21. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday May 17th 2018, May 10th (AGM)

Meeting closed 8.40pm

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¦  January 2018 ¦  February 2018 ¦  March 2018 ¦  April 2018 ¦  May 2018 ¦  June 2018 ¦  July 2018 ¦  September 2018 ¦
 October 2018 ¦  November 2018 ¦  December 2018 ¦

Every effort has been made to check the above for accuracy however if you find a mistake please contact us.

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