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July 2013

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held in 'Yr Aelwyd', Tregynnwr at 6.30pm on Thursday 18th July 2013.

PRESENT: Cllr Selwyn Thomas (Chair), GP Bevan, DE Williams, G Lloyd, Sandra Thomas, DJ Watson, A West, L Whatley, S Howells.

APOLOGIES: Councillor RO Griffiths, M Jones, P Totterdale.

1. Chair's Announcements

As Chair had missed the previous meeting he confirmed his attendance at the Schools Sports Day. Members reported that some had attended the Eisteddfod Proclamation, excellently supported by public at the park and along route.

2. Minutes

RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting held on 20th June 2013 - (minute 0713-2) Proposed by Cllr D Watson and seconded by Cllr G Lloyd.

3. Matters Arising

Matters raised/resolved outside meetings: June/July 2013

a) Bus Stop Penymorfa - CCC With regards to the shelter request, unfortunately we don't have any Sustainable Travel centres monies this year to undertake such works, and as there is no central budget for bus shelters we are wholly reliant on grant funding /developer contributions. We will add this request to the list we currently hold and in the event of a suitable funding stream coming on line we will consider it for inclusion in future programmes.
b) Capel Dewi Road - CCC I write to inform you that request has been received for the temporary road closure of the B4300 Cystanog Bends, Capel Dewi from Monday 29th July 2013 for a period of 32 weeks.
c) Pensarn - CCC will be in attendance in the September meeting. Have asked for list of issues. AGREED - Clerk look through past 12/18 months minutes and forward list of issues to CCC.
d) Hedgerows - Penymorfa Lane (around school), Bolahaul Road (opp Lovell site), both have been 'sorted'. Sticle Path is in hand.
e) Carmarthen Railway Station - signposting to Town Centre. Awaiting response.
f) Llangunnor Road (speed limit) - As the SLWG (Speed Limit Working Group is not due to officially meet until the 22nd July, the below request was discussed under AOB at the SMG (Speed Management Group) this morning as some of the same officers from Roads Policing abd CCC sit on both groups. We could today only deliver a decision in principle, the recorded decision will be made at the meeting of the official SLWG on the 22nd. The decision in principlewas that the Group would support a reduction in the limit from 40mph to that of 30mph with a caveat that the reduction must be supported by appropriate road safety measures that would as far as possible ensure that the 30mph is self enforcing. Details regarding recommended measures will form part of the recorded decision at the meeting on the 22nd. Please note that our budget for 2013-14 has already been fixed and committed to, therefore, the location will now be placed on a Prioritisation Programme and in due course be ranked accordingly for consideration in 2014-15.
g) RE: Proposed Bus Interchange Improvements - C2071 Nantycaws, Carmarthen. Carmarthenshire County Council has secured funding from the Welsh Government to improve rural bus interchanges, and Nantycaws has been identified as one location which would benefit from such improvements. Please see attached plan showing the layout of the proposed works scheduled for this location. Works are due to commence in August 2013, with a construction period of approximately 3 to 4 weeks. I would be grateful to receive your views on the proposals by Friday 26th July 2013. If I have not received a reply by this date, I will assume you have no objections.
h) Brechfa Connection - Cllr Williams/Clerk gave summary of proposals, the Council agreed to consider further when 'actual route' is decided upon.
i) Time Banking - Cllr Sandra Thomas reported that the Church had joined the scheme and that it was simple and working well. Council decided to keep this in mind for any future projects.

 ¦ At this stage the press and public were excluded from meeting  ¦ 
4. Vacancy on Council

Clerk circulated two letters he had received from persons interested in the vacancy. Following a short discussion it was Resolved (minute 0713-4) 8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention that Mr Dafydd Williams, Elder Grove be co-opted onto the Council. The Clerk to write to Mr Williams inviting him to the September meeting. Clerk also write to thank Elizabeth Duffy for her interest.

5. Clerk's Salary/Allowances

The report approved by the Finance Sub Committee was considered and it was Resolved (0713-5) proposed Cllr Williams seconded Cllr Sandra Thomas that the Clerk salary/allowances be updated in accordance with the report (unanimous) - attached at end of minutes.

 ¦ Press and public were readmitted to the meeting  ¦ 
6. Council Website

Following a discussion it was Resolved (minute 0713-6) proposed by Cllr Whatley seconded by Cllr Watson that ICT be employed to develop the new council website (unanimous)

7. To receive a report from the Parks Sub-Committee.

The Clerk reported that applications for grant aid were considered at Sept/April and that the sub-committee had agreed that a submission be made in April 2014.

8. To receive reports from Members representing Council on other Bodies

Cllr Watson reported that River Assoc was considering matters on the Llangunnor side of the river.

9. Approve Schedule of Accounts

It was Resolved (minute 0713-9) proposed Cllr Williams and seconded Cllr G Lloyd that the following be approved (unanimous)

A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (30/06/13) 75.00
CJ Thomas Salary - July 2013 526.40
Office Allowance - July 2013 80.00
IT Allowance - July 2013 25.00
Bowen & Weaving Stationary 9.58
Ink 45.56
One Voice Wales 2 delegates to AGM 130.00
Zurich Insurance premium tax 33.11

B) Council to note receipt of income:

Payee Info (£) Amount
HMRC Repayment of VAT 12/13 1276.12

10. Correspondence

It was Resolved (Minute 0713-10) that the following correspondence be noted / action taken

No Date Nature of Correspondence Agreed Action
i Ombudsman Annual Report Copy with Clerk
ii BDO - Confirming approval of accounts, Proposal needed for 'final' signing off - Chair to sign
iii 27/06/12 Renting Homes White paper - Consultation To be circulated

11. Any Other Business

a) Cllr Whatley highlighted that the speed hump in Blaengwastod Road was giving concern to motorist. Clerk to check with CCC.

12. Standing Orders - Suspension

Resolved (unanimously) minute 0713-12 that standing orders be suspended so that Chair, Clerk can continue council business though August recess. Proposed Cllr E Williams seconded Cllr G Lloyd.

13. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 19th September 2013.

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¦ October 2013 ¦  November 2013 ¦  December 2013 ¦

Every effort has been made to check the above for accuracy however if you find a mistake please contact us.

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