¦ Minute List ¦
¦  January 2021 ¦  February 2021 ¦  March 2021 ¦  April 2021 ¦  May 2021 ¦  June 2021 ¦  July 2021 ¦  September 2021 ¦
 October 2021 ¦  November 2021 ¦  December 2021 ¦

June 2021

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held remotely at 6.30pm on Thursday 17th June 2021

PRESENT: Councillor Elwyn Williams (Chair), Geraint Bevan, Sandra Thomas, Heather Lewis, Steven Richards and Paul Totterdale joined the meeting during item 17

APOLOGIES: Councillor Jennifer Slate, Dafydd Williams and Paul Price

Also present Howard Davies (Clerk) and four members of the public present Robin Griffiths, Charlie Evans, Andy Davies and Lee Whatley

Declaration of Interest


. Matters Arising

3. The new proposal regarding the retention time for recorded meetings (Recordings of meetings are to be retained by the Clerk, until such time as the minutes of the meeting they relate to, have been approved by the appropriate Committee/Full Council, and thereafter be immediately destroyed) was read out by the Chair and it was unanimously agreed that they would be adopted with immediate effect. (Minute 0621 – 3)

4. Chair's Announcements

No announcements recorded

5. Members of the Public Present – 12 minutes for questions – 5. Public Questions

Lee Whatley asked for what audience the agenda was being prepared for: Clerk responded stating that the agenda was prepared both for the information of the Councillors and members of the general public

He also enquired if the new guidelines regarding public attendance at our virtual Zoom meetings, had been brought into use, either due to procedural changes or following a complaint from a Councillor or a member of the general public: Clerk responded stating that it had been brought into use following a complaint from a Councillor.

Robin Griffiths asked four questions. 1.For the Council to consider reducing the speed limit on Llangunnor Road, past the Decorating Centre at its approach to the roundabout, from 40mph to 30mph. Chair responded that there is a request currently being considered by the Traffic Management Group within the County Council and asked the clerk to chase up. Action point. Clerk to follow up

2. Trees growing on the right-hand side of the cutting as you come into Carmarthen past the Decorating Centre along its approach to Pen Y Morfa Lane junction, becoming a safety hazard, as now growing on the rock face, and are in danger of falling down onto the main road, thereby potentially causing a nasty accident. Apparently, Carmarthen C C in previous years have cut back the growth and lobbed the trees. Chair asked Clerk to report our concern to the Council. Action point. Clerk to report to the Council’s Highways dept

3. Consideration be given to providing a Christmas Tree at the entrance to the park. Chair responded item to be placed on the agenda of the Christmas Committee for further discussions

4. With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee coming up next year he wanted to know what Langunnor C C was planning to do, to celebrate this auspicious occasion. Chair responded that the item will be placed on the agenda of the Park and Environment Committee for further discussion on how best to mark this occasion. There were no further questions.

6. Minutes

It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting held on the 20th 2021 (minute 0621–6)

6. The Park / Environment Committee

7. Committees: Finance committee – No meeting had taken place. Park & Environment – See point 8. Web & Media – No meeting had taken place. Christmas – No meeting had taken place. 8. A meeting of the Park and Environment Committee had taken place on the 10th June the minutes of which had been circulated and uploaded to our web page. In the unavoidable absence of Cllr J Slate the Clerk went through the key matters arising. . . Web Committee

9. Update on Election

Clerk advised that as no request for an Election had been received, we would now proceed to “co-option” for the two vacant seats- one for both East and West Wards following the retirement/resignation of Councillors Griffiths and Porter, in addition to the one existing vacancy for the East Ward which remains unfilled

10. Co option of Charlie Evans - this item was actually carried out at the end of the meeting as the idiots don't have a clue

Members of the public were excluded from this discussion in line with procedural requirements. Following a short discussion, it was unanimously agreed that Mr Charlie Evans’s application to become a Councillor for the West Ward be approved. Action point. Clerk to advise Mr Evans that his application to join the Council had been successful, and to attend to the necessary paperwork

11. County Councillor Report

Councillor Elwyn Williams had nothing to report

12. To receive 7 proposals from Cllr Richards in respect of Sticle path and surrounding areas

** The actual motions submitted don't actually appear in the minutes of the meeting and the council don't keep their agendas online, we have added the motions for clarity **

Proposal 1: That the clerk establish who the owners or managers of the property previously belonging to Peter Johnson Car Sales are and send them a polite letter ore-mail requesting that they tidy up their property and make it aesthetically acceptable. This work to include the removal of the rubble or gravel and the cutting back of the overgrowth extending over the fence onto public property and repair of any fencing they may own that border on public land which requires such maintenance
Proposal 2: That the clerk establishes who the owner of the former Peter Johnson Car Sales fence is and send him a letter or e-mail to ask him to remove the remains of a yellow sign attached to it, and to repair the fence where necessary, in order to make it aesthetically acceptable. (This to be combined with Proposal 1 if the owner is the same)
Proposal 3: That the clerk establish who the owners of the land (probably Trunk RoadAgency) adjacent to Stickle Path below and to the left as you enter from Penymorfa Lane are and send them a letter or e-mail asking them to remove the refrigerator which has been there for some time on the basis that it is both a safety and environmental hazard. Also, to remove any other scrap metal on their property and to repair/replace any fencing they own, and which requires maintenance
Proposal 4: That the clerk establish who the owners of the stone, caged wall near the bridge on Stickle Path is and politely inform them, by letter or e-mail of the safety hazard it presents, due to it falling down
Proposal 5: Apart from that in 4, there is barbed wire on each side of Stickle path below Penymorfa Lane. It was present before the “new” road development, and in some places, we now have two fences. A barbed wire one and a wooden one. I understand that, according to current health and safety law, in order to minimise risk, fencing needs to be suitable for the purpose for which it is intended. Hence, any fencing should be non-barbed and designed for limiting people rather than retaining livestock. Some of it is rusty and lying inconspicuously in long grass and is therefore a very clear hazard towards children who may run around in the grass, usually while going or returning from town or school with their parents. I propose that the clerk establish who the owner of the fence or land on which this barbed wire is and sends them a letter or e-mail to ask them to remove it or replace it as appropriate. (For the most part, this wire defines the boundary between land owned by different public bodies, and since the boundary is otherwise clear, it may not be necessary to retain it)
Proposal 6: That the clerk establish the ownership of the land in front of the former Peter Johnson Car Sales compound and that he sends an e-mail or letter requesting them to dig up, or break off at ground level, the supports for the two large trees growing there, as these supports were intended for them when they were saplings andare no longer required
Proposal 7: That the clerk establish who the owner of the metal post on the left-hand side of Stickle below Penymorfa lane, between the subway and the bridge is, and thathe sends him an e-mail or letter asking them to remove it or reinstate the litter bin that used to be attached to it.

These proposals had been previous circulated and placed on the agenda for everyone’s information.

Cllr Richards did question why the proposals had gone to Parks Committee in the first instance as opposed to the full Council where the Clerk advised that as ultimately it would end up for discussion by this Committee, he had placed it on the agenda for last week’s meeting, to gauge opinion in a timely fashion as the next Committee meeting would in all probability be some weeks away, where there was a full attendance of five Councillors, and the minutes had been circulated and further discussed under point 8 previously.

Clerk apologized if his actions had been incorrect, where the proposals were always going to be on this meeting’s agenda. He further explained that his current weekly contracted hours, was being fully taken up and at times exceeded, with Council work, and as such felt he did not have the time (within his current contracted hours) to give to this project that it required.

The Park and Environment Committee had suggested due to the scope of the proposals, a discussion group comprising of Cllrs Bevan Lewis and Richards be formed to further appraise, gather information, and to report back to the full Council with their findings/recommendations as to the way forward subject to Cllr Richard’s agreement, which was forthcoming. (Minute 0621–12)

Action point. Group consisting of Cllrs Richards, Bevan, and Lewis to meet over coming weeks and to report back with their recommendations at a later Council meeting.

13. Reports from Members Representing Council on other Bodies

Riverside Association -

One Voice Wales - As there were again no nominations/volunteers to fill the vacancy on One Voice Wales, it was agreed to roll over onto next month’s meeting

School Governors -

Training -

14. Approve the Schedule of Accounts

It was Resolved (Minute 0621–14) unanimously that the accounts submitted be approved with the late addition of the payment to HMRC.

A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (31/05/21) 97.00
Howard Davies Salary - June 2021 596.11
Office Allowance - June 2021 100.00
IT Allowance - June 2021 40.00
Reinbursement: Zoom Monthly Payment 14.29
Claimed £14.49 last month instead of £14.39 cost adj down by 10p this month to correct
Reinbursement: Postage 8.49
Extra Meetings (See Schedule Below)[1] 160.00
Travelling 139.50
Zurich Municipal Insurance Council Insurance policy renewal 556.36
Bowen & Weaving Compliment slips 87.00
One Voice Wales Training: Clerk - Code of Conduct (12/5/21) 30.00
Vision ICT Upgrade costs - new web site 1440.00
HMRC 1st Quarter Payment 713.64

B) Council to note receipt of income: None

Extra Meetings (held 1st March - 30th June 2021)
Web and Social Media Committee - 9/3/21
Park & Environment Committee - 11/3/21, 10/6/21
Finance Committee - 12/4/21

4 x £50 = £200 This equates to £160 after tax. (Extra meetings - @ £50 meeting – salary only includes 11 meetings + AGM, all others treated as extra meetings, meetings over 4 hours will be paid at £100 (Minute 0920–F4)

15. Correspondence

The following correspondence be noted/action taken:

No Nature of Correspondence Agreed Action
1 Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel Report Circulated
2 Haf O Hwyl-Children’s Commissioner of Wales
3 Babell Church – update on hire of park Circulated
4 1VW: Remote training sessions June Circulated
5 Wildlife on your ward - Biodiversity Circulated
6 DPP - Cuckooing Circulated
7 Response from Carl Atkins- Enforcement Officer Carms CC re access onto Roman Rd Circulated
8 Hywel Dda Health Board: Building a healthier future after Covid 19 Circulated
9 One Voice Wales: A guide to their services Circulated
10 Temporary road closure Nantycaws Circulated
11 Proposal Cllr Steven Richards re Sticle path and surrounding area Circulated
12 Hywel Dda CHC: Newsletter June Circulated
13 G Williams (Stonemason): Covid Memorial Stone suggestions
14 1VW: Training courses available for June Circulated
15 Police & Crime Commissioner Independent Consultation Package Circulated
16 Charlie Evans Application to become a Co-opted Councillor Circulated

16. Councillor's Report

• Cllr Sandra Thomas reported that she had been made aware of wilful damage to several trees at the park, where the bark had been cut away, exposing the trunk in places. This was indeed disappointing news as it would suggest that sharp equipment possibly knifes are being brought into the park by a small irresponsible minority, thereby creating a safety hazard. It was agreed that the clerk bring it up with the local PCSO at their meeting next week

17 Any other important business - Urgent Tree issue at 7 Llygad Yr Haul

Clerk advised that he had received a complaint from Richard Thomas the houseowner, that the sycamore tree on the park side of his property, had grown considerable both in terms of height and volume, and he was becoming increasingly concerned that the tree could potentially damage his property in bad weather through falling branches etc. He had previously reported this to the Council some three years ago.

Clerk further advised that he had spoken with Paul Clever at Tree Consultants Wales our specialist advisors, ahead of our meeting who advised that the Council should write to complainant advising that: The management of the trees at the park was undertaken by specialist company Tree Services Wales on behalf of Llangunnor Community Council. As part of this management programme the trees were fully inspected on a biannual basis, with the next report being due in January 2022. Should any further issues arise following receipt of our letter, then these are to be referred onto our advisors Tree Services Wales. Cllr Bevan was of the opinion that this particular tree had been covered off in previous inspection reports and to confirm this. It was agreed that the clerk write to the complainant as suggested by our Advisors. (Minute 0621-17) . Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday July 15th 2021 at 6.30pm

Meeting closed 7.30 pm