2019 Community Council Minutes

Please find below the list of transcribed minutes of Llangunnor Community Council for 2019. These are the most recent minutes of the Council and are updated as soon as possible

The minutes of the previous meeting are confirmed as correct by the Community Council at the following meeting, the minutes are then normally made available.

So please note it can take a few weeks for us to transcribe and upload these records, so while the links are active the minutes will not appear until at least a month later

¦ January 2019 ¦
¦ Feburary 2019 ¦
¦ March 2019  ¦
¦ April 2019 ¦
¦ May 2019 ¦
¦ June 2019 ¦
¦ July 2019 ¦
¦ September 2019 ¦
¦ October 2019 ¦
¦ November 2019 ¦
¦ December 2019 ¦

Please Note: You can find other completed years using the link below.

¦ Minute List ¦

Spot a mistake please contact us.

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