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November 2020

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held Remotely at 6.30pm on Thursday 19th November 2020.

PRESENT: Councillor Robin Griffiths (Chair), Paul Totterdale, Elwyn Williams, Lee Whatley, Sandra Thomas, Dafydd Williams, John Porter, Heather Lewis, and Jennifer Slate (arrived during item 6a)

APOLOGIES: Councillor Geraint Bevan


The Clerk reported that he had received a resignation letter from Cllr R Ingram due to personal circumstances. The Council unanimously agreed that the Clerk write to Cllr Ingram expressing their gratitude. And also, their disappointment that it had come to this, should his situation change then the members would welcome his return to the Council

Declaration of Interest


2. Police Report

We received a high volume of calls with regards to fireworks a couple nights before and after the 5th of November. Officers attended the location with an aim of identifying if any offenses however, no persons seen at the time. Reassurance patrols have since been carried out in the area and all appears in order for now

3. Chair's Announcements

The Chair announced that he had been present at a Remembrance Service at Carmarthen Railway Station, he had also attended a Remembrance Service at the memorial stone in Llangunnor Road along with Ethan Woods, the Chair of the School Council. He and Ethan had also done a simple ‘turning on’ of the lights on the tree adjacent to Tywi Garage Roundabout.
He also expressed concern at a question raised by Llangunnor News during a broadcast with the Police Commissioner, when it was stated that the community of Llangunnor had an issue with a lack of policing in the area. Cllr Elwyn Williams informed the meeting that as Llangunnor’s County Councillor he had already contacted the Commisioner to say that this was not his opinion of the general feeling in the community. It was agreed (minute 1120–3), For 8 Against 1, that the Clerk write to the commissioner supporting the views of Cllr Elwyn Williams.
Finally, he announced he would be resigning as a Community Councillor at the AGM in May 2021

4. Minutes

it was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting held on 15th October2020 (minute 1120–4)

5. Committees:

• Park & Environment Committee: Minutes of meetings 20/10/20 & 04/11/20 had been circulated
a) The Council was asked whether it supported the recommendation of (minute 1120a-P&E) that the Council accepts the advice of Paul Cleaver (Tree Consultants Wales) that there is no reason for any risk intervention measures at the moment but will monitor the area, the next formal inspection is due at the end of 2021. The recommendation was unanimously approved (minute 1120-5)
b) Consider report provided by Clerk (Report on Dog Orders in Llangunnor Park). Following a lengthy discussion when in particular dog mess and dogs off leads was considered with a few members expressing their concern, the Chair of the P & E Committee, Cllr Whatley went through the options provided by the Clerk and it was unanimously agreed that i) Purchase and place further signage in the park and although not enforceable may encourage better behaviour from the troublesome minority;
ii) Collect evidence of the issues in the park. Once this has been done, the Community Council would look at all this evidence to decide whether it believes that additional controls are necessary and are a reasonable and proportionate response to the problems. If members want a further Order, a further order could then be requested from Carmarthenshire County Council (minute 1120–5b). The Clerk reminded the committee that this would involve collecting evidence, he would circulate advice he had received from the Local Environment Quality Policy Officer

• There had been no meetings of the other Committees

6a. Motion A: Cllr Griffiths - seconded by Cllr Whatley

The two Community Christmas trees at Towy Roundabout and Nantycaws are in place for approximately two months. However, the power / pillar boxes are locked with a universal key. As a matter of Health and Safety, Llangunnor Community Council agree that only named people be authorised to access it, these being Mr Wyn Davies, the Clerk, any member of the Town Council team who assist in putting up the trees, and the County Council who own the two pillars
Following a discussion, the motion was approved (minute 1120–a) Cllr Slate joined the meeting

6b. Motion B: Cllr Griffiths - seconded by Cllr Thomas

Llangunnor Community Council has a Social Media Policy, designed to help members make appropriate decisions about comments, which are posted on their personal pages. It serves members to remind them that derogatory or defamatory comments relating to the council are not acceptable. All complaints relating to compliance with this policy should be reported to the Clerk of the Council, who will then present them to full council for discussion. Complaints and their outcomes should be recorded in the minutes. Any breach of the policy should be dealt with under the Code of Conduct
Following a discussion, the motion was approved (minute 1120–b)

6c. Motion C: Cllr Griffiths - seconded by Cllr Totterdale

It is the duty of all members of Llangunnor Community Council to respect and comply with the rules set out in the Code of Conduct, which is a legal document that ensures proper standards of behaviour are maintained. Any potential breaches of the Code, which result in complaints to the Council (from Council Members or members of the public), should be sent to the Clerk of the Council, who will then present them to full council for discussion. Complaints and their outcomes should be recorded in the minutes. In line with the Model Local Resolution Protocol for Community and Town Councils issued by One Voice Wales repeated breaches and repetitive low-level complaints should be directed to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
Following a discussion, the motion was approved (minute 1120–c)

6d. Motion D: Cllr Griffiths - seconded by Cllr Totterdale

Llangunnor Community Council has an inventory of all its equipment to be kept with the Clerk, Xmas banners, seats, office equipment Chain etc and in future before anything is thrown away, full council must give approval
Following a discussion, the motion was approved (minute 1120–d)

7. Request from Cllr Griffiths

To place extra flagstones around the memorial cross; also re-staking and pruning the memorial tree. Following a discussion when it was highlighted that the reason for planting the oak should also be recorded for future generations, it was agreed
a) (minute 1120–7a) that Cllr Thomas make enquiries with the stone mason of providing some flagstones leading from the pavement and in front of memorial stone, also ask with regard putting similar behind the stone;
b) (minute 1120–7b) that the handyman be asked to re-stake and prune around the base of the tree.

8. Reports from Members Representing Council on other Bodies

Riverside Association - No meeting

One Voice Wales - No meeting

School Governors - Meeting informed that next meeting of School Governors would be on the 10th December

Training - None

9. County Councillor Report

Cllr E Williams reported that the Enforcement Section of Planning had recently been following up unauthorised work within the Parish

10. Approve the Schedule of Accounts

The payments were authorised (minute 1120–10) For 10 Against 1

A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (31/10/20) 97.00
Painting of Playwall
Labour 5 hours £80
Materials £22.00
CJ Thomas Salary - Nov 2020 655.70
Office Allowance - Nov 2020 100.00
IT Allowance - Nov 2020 40.00
Reinbursement: Stamps 24.72
Reinbursement: Zoom Monthly Payment 14.39
Reinbursement: Tax on Microsoft Payment from Oct Payments 22.56
Reinbursement: Daffodil Bulbs 40.00
Travelling: July–Oct Inclusive 71.10
Reinbursement: Sanitizer Liquid £53.90 + £10.78 (VAT) 64.68
Llangunnor Church Community Grant 100.00
Babell Zion Newydd Community Grant 100.00
Carmarthenshire County Council Christmas Toy Appeal Community Grant 100.00
Proprint 2 x Banners to replace ones damaged last year in very strong winds, confirmed to come from Christmas Committee Budget by Chair (GB) £131.50 + 26.30 (VAT) 157.80
Royal British Legion 2 Poppy Wreaths £35 + Donation (£50) 85.00

B) Council to note receipt of income:

Payee Info (£) Amount
Carmarthenshire County Council Asset Transfer Grant 5,000.00

11. Correspondence

The following correspondence be noted/action taken:

No Nature of Correspondence Agreed Action
1 Latest news from Carmarthenshire County Council: Covid 19 (19/10/20) Circulated
2 Covid 19 Update: WAG following announcement of ‘fire break’ Circulated
3 Remote Training Sessions for November Re-Circulated
4 Latest Covid News Carmarthenshire County Council: 23/10/20 Circulated
5 Welsh Government update: Remembrance 2020. Circulated
6 Latest news from Carmarthenshire County Councils: (30/10/20) Circulated
7 Un Llais Cymru / One Voice Wales - 04/11/20 Circulated
8 Christmas Toybox Appeal Carmarthenshire County Council - The Community Council can liaise with the local school/s to nominate families. Circulated
9 WLGA coronavirus email update 09-11-20 Circulated
10 Carmarthen Station Improvements: Condition of road leading to Station and derelict building / waste land brought to their attention. Response For information: Many thanks for providing this clarity. I have included it in the station improvement engagement information
11 Wales Biodiversity Partnership Conference, Responding to the crisis for nature in Wales. Circulated
12 Letter of Resignation from Clerk Circulated[See Below]
13 Royal Mail Scam Circulated
14 Survey regarding strengthening and advancing Equality and Human Rights in Wales Circulated
15 Public Survey on Pharmacy Services Circulated
16 W/ENF/09354 Earth/rubble bank at Geynant, Llangunnor: I spoke to the owner’s son last week and their contractor afterwards. I was promised the earth/rubble would be removed by the end of the month. They both admitted it was overdue. Circulated
17 Chair of Park & E, and Clerk met with representatives of Touchline Marking to go through items for improvements at the Park on 17/11/20. Quotes will be submitted in due course and put to the Committee. They will initially quote for the work to the front entrance and provide rest of work afterwards. Further visit arranged with another company beginning of December. For information
18 Letter of resignation from Cllr Philip Ingram Reported

It was agreed (minute 1120–11.12) that the Clerk remain in post until 31st March 2021, the Clerk also agreed to complete the Accounts for 20/21 and submit them to Audit

12. Councillor's Report

a) Cllr Thomas asked that the Christmas Committee ask for a larger tree at Tywi Roundabout for 2021
b) Cllr Thomas also enquired about the anti-roosting measures placed under bridge at bottom of Babell Hill, it was unsure whether the work had been completed, the situation to be monitored. Ask Carmarthenshire County Council if they could power wash the underside of the bridge
c) Cllr Whatley asked if the Clerk could chase up with Carmarthenshire County Council the bin that was removed from Login Road
d) Water issues in Blaengwastod Road: Clerk meeting with Carmarthenshire County Council on the 20th November to discuss
e) Cllr Lewis highlighted that many residents used the path from Penymorfa to Llangunnor Road, many of these were elderly, and that she had been approached to ask if it could be lit. The Clerk reported that he, and Cllr Bevan had met with Carmarthenshire County Council but nothing had come of it. He would arrange another site visit

13. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 10th December 2020 at 6.30pm

Meeting closed 8.15pm
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Every effort has been made to check the above for accuracy however if you find a mistake please contact us.

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