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May 2020

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held remotely via Zoom at 6.30pm on Thursday 14th May 2020.

PRESENT: Councillor Robin Griffiths (Chair), Elwyn Williams, Geraint Bevan, Paul Totterdale, Lee Whatley, Vivian Davies, John Porter, Jennifer Slate and Dafydd Williams

APOLOGIES: Councillor Sandra Thomas (this absence was approved as she was unable to access the meeting)

Declaration of Interest

Item 9: Councillor Elwyn Williams is related to the handyman

2. Recording of Meeting

Clerk requested permission to record the meeting for the purpose of writing the minutes, the recording would be destroyed once this had been done. This was unanimously approved (minute 0520–2)

3. Police Report

No report submitted, Clerk asked to check on certain incidents that had been reported to Dyfed Powys Police

4. Chair's Announcements

Cllr Griffiths wished to thank:
a) the Llangunnor Covid19 Support Group set up by Paul Price and some friends, it had now reached 136 members for all their help in the community
b) the Clerk, Cllr Elwyn Williams (vice-chair) and Cllr G Bevan (chair of Planning Committee) for their assistance over the past few weeks

5. Minutes

It was unanimously agreed (minute 0520-5) and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting and Planning Committee held on 20th February 2020

6. AGM 2020

It was unanimously agreed (0520–6)that the AGM be postponed until September 14th 2020; this will be re-considered if there is a change in the restrictions

7. Council Committees (Finance / Park & Environment / Web & Media / Christmas Decoration)

The respective Chairs of the committees had indicated that currently they did not think a meeting was required, this to be reviewed at each monthly meeting

8. The Park

It was unanimously agreed that the Park be kept open, whilst obviously all the play equipment be kept closed / unavailable (minute 0520-8)

:: Councillor Elwyn Williams declared an interest and took no part in the discussion but remained on the Zoom call ::

9. Role of Handyman

Cllr Whatley highlighted that the Council needed to review the role of the handyman generally but particularly with less people using the park

It was mentioned that the handyman was carrying out important maintenance duties during this time e.g. replacing slabs from ditch, checking goal posts, strimming (as Carmarthenshire County Council were only cutting with tractor), brushing play areas

Following a discussion, it was agreed (minute 0520–9) that during the current situation the handyman remain to carry out his usual duties and take instruction from the Clerk if other issues were raised, however an urgent review be carried out when meetings return to normal

10. Audit of 19/20 Accounts

The Clerk had previously circulated the expenditure 19/20 accounts, explanation of any variances and the Bank Reconciliation, it was unanimously agreed (minute 0520–10) that the accounts as presented be approved and be submitted for internal audit

11. Reports from Members Representing Council on other Bodies

Riverside Association - No meeting

One Voice Wales - No meeting

School Governors - A remote meeting of the School Governors had taken place, discussions had included any return of pupils, the headmaster and the Governors were considering different suggestions of how this could be done safely

Training - None

12. County Councillor Report

The response the Covid19 outbreak, was in the main being run by the officers, however meetings would be commencing in the near future, including the AGM scheduled for June

13. Approve the Schedule of Accounts

The accounts for March 2020 (paid in April 2020 due to no meeting in March) and the April 2020 accounts were agreed by email and it was unanimously agreed (minute 0520-13a) that they be formally approved (below):

A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure March 2020:

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (29/02/20) 97.00
CJ Thomas Salary - March 2020 638.16
Office Allowance - March 2020 100.00
IT Allowance - March 2020 40.00
Extra Meetings (Details Below)[1] 440.00
Travelling (Oct 19 – March 20) 75.60
Bowen & Weaving Paper / Envelopes / Ink 108.96
Carmarthenshire County Council Footway Lighting
Maintenance £3215.64 + VAT
Energy £1405.84 + VAT
HMRC 4th Quarter Payment 793.72
PAYE on members payments 270.00

Council to note receipt of income: None

Extra Meetings (held October 1st 2019 – March 31st 2020)
Finance Committee - 06/11/19, 09/01/20
Park Committee - 18/11/19, 27/01/20
Web and Social Media Committee - 18/11/19, 03/02/20, 04/03/20
Christmas Lights Committee – 06/11/19, 09/01/20
Valero Task and Finish – 29/07/19 (not claimed in September); 29/01/20

11 x £50 = £550. This equates to £440 after tax. (Extra meetings – @ £50/meeting - salary only includes 11 meetings + AGM, all others treated as extra meetings, meetings over 4 hours will be paid at £100 (minute 0519–F5)

A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure April 2020:

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (31/03/20) 97.00
CJ Thomas Salary - April 2020 638.16
Office Allowance - April 2020 100.00
IT Allowance - April 2020 40.00
Carmarthenshire County Council Grounds Maintenance 19/20 2,297.00

Council to note receipt of income: None

b) It was unanimously agreed (minute 0520–13b) to approve the payments for May 2020

Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure May 2020

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (30/04/20) 97.00
Replace kerbs (around ditch), inspection of rugby posts, work on fitness equipment 40.00
CJ Thomas Salary - May 2020 638.16
Office Allowance - May 2020 100.00
IT Allowance - May 2020 40.00

Council to note receipt of income:

Payee Info (£) Amount
Carmarthenshire County Council 1st Instalment of 20/21 Precept 10,000.00

14. Correspondence

The following correspondence was noted, this is from the last meeting in February 2020:

No Nature of Correspondence Agreed Action
a Update on Effects of Coronavirus 23/03/20 Noted
b Temporary Road Closure: C2073, Adjacent to Croes-y-ceiliog Cottage Noted
c Updated Advice: 24/03/20 Noted
d Coronavirus Advice: 26/03/20 Noted
e VE Day May 8th: Postponement Noted
f Written Statement by the Welsh Government: 02/04/20 Noted
g Useful links from Carmarthenshire County Council Noted
h Post Office Network in Wales: COVID-19 Update Noted
i Hywel Dda CHC: March Newsletter Noted
j COVID-19 update from Public Services Ombudsman Noted
k Roman Road, Llangunnor: Trail of emails with regard to development off Roman Road Noted
l Arrangements for funerals and crematoriums: Provided for information only Noted
m One Voice Wales: -News Bulletin Noted
n Blood donations required Noted
o Local Authority advice on Remote Meetings Noted
p Welsh Government COVID-19 bulletin: 27/04/20 Noted
q Your care from NHS care during the Coronavirus: Feedback request Noted
r Police and Crime Commissioner’s newsletter Noted
s Latest news from Carmarthenshire County Council 01/05/20 Noted
t Latest News from Carmarthenshire County Council 07/05/20 Noted
u See Below for ‘Nature Re-opened” Noted
v Details of the results of the One Voice Wales National Awards 2020 can be found here.http://www.onevoicewales.org.uk/OVWWeb/Default.aspx Noted
w Welsh Government daily updates Noted

15. Councillor's Report

• Cllr Porter thanked the Clerk for the correspondence between himself and Carmarthenshire County Council regarding access onto Roman Road, he was reasonably happy with what was going on at the moment,but would keep monitoring the situation
• Cllr Bevan asked whether the lights to the underpass at Morrisons had been repaired, he would have a look in the next few days and report back to the Clerk
• Cllr Whatley asked that if Carmarthenshire County Council were currently carrying out any tarmacking that consideration be given to the work commencing on the improvements at the park entrance. He had also noticed that the litter bins in the park and in the community generally were being routinely emptied by Carmarthenshire County Council, he asked that the Council’s thanks be sent to them

16. Updates from Clerk

a) Attendance at meetings advice received from One Voice Wales regarding Cllrs West and Trowbridge-Mathews: “as both members had not attended a relevant meeting for a period in excess of 6 months prior to 21 April, 2020 and if the Council had not approved their continuing absence priorto 21 April, 2020 it means that they are both disqualified and you now have two Councillor vacancies on the Council”. Clerk reported he had received a call from Cllr Trowbridge-Mathews for her absence, the Clerk had told her that he and the members fully understood what she had been through, she accepted that the Council had no option than disqualify her. It was agreed that the Clerk contact Cllr West to see how he isand report back.
b) Obviously, any arrangements for the re-introduction of a toilet at the park have been put on hold.
c) Community Awards: Again these have been deferred, consideration when AGM does take place, or possibly defer until AGM 2021.
d) Ombudsman Complaint received following: “we have not received a review request therefore the case remains closed”.

The updates were unanimously accepted and noted (minute 0520-16)

17. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held (remotely) on Thursday 18th June 2020 at 6.30pm (Clerk to check prior to meeting whether an earlier time is convenient to members)

Meeting closed 7.15pm
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 October 2020 ¦  November 2020 ¦  December 2020 ¦

Every effort has been made to check the above for accuracy however if you find a mistake please contact us.

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