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 October 2015 ¦  November 2015 ¦  December 2015 ¦

June 2015

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held in 'Yr Aelwyd', Tregynnwr at 6.30pm on Thursday 18th June 2015.

PRESENT: Councillor Glenda Lloyd (Chair), Robin Griffiths, Geraint Bevan, Lee Whatley, Paul Totterdale, David Watson, Alun West, Elwyn Williams, Selwyn Thomas, Alexandra Trowbridge-Matthews, Dafydd Williams and Sandra Thomas

APOLOGIES: Councillor Margaret Wilkins

1. Chair's Announcements

The Chair had attended following the following:

• The Big Lunch - Excellent and successful day, she thanked Cllr Whatley for his contribution.
• Eileen Jones had arranged a coffee morning for cancer research - Had raised nearly £900.
• Babell Chapel to celebrate the Women's Institute centenary.
• With the Lord Lieutenant had attended different churches to commemorate Waterloo - A soldier from Llangunnor was buried in St David's.

2. Declaration of Interest - None

3. 2015 AGM Minutes

It was moved by Cllr. Dafydd Williams and seconded by Cllr. Griffiths (minute 0615-3) and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the AGM of the Council held on 5th May 2015.

4. Minutes

It was moved by Cllr Whatley and seconded by Cllr Totterdale (minute 0615-4) and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting and Planning Sub-Committee held on 14th May 2015.

5. Matters raised / resolved outside meetings

* Police HQ Entrance/General Parking at HQ/Training of Officers on use of speed-gun - Awaiting response, Clerk to follow up.
* Noticeboards - See planning agenda.
* Litter Collection - Clerk thanked Cllr Whatley for his assistance, Cllr Whatley reported that although the weather was poor two people had turned up and collected 5 bags of rubbish, suggested that Council consider doing it again.
* Signs for Haulfryn/Bronydre - New sign in position in Haulfryn.
* Yellow lines Haulfryn - Response from Carmarthenshire County Council "Llangunnor comes under the Carmarthenshire rural consolidated traffic order for parking restrictions. The Carmarthenshire rural consolidated order will next be amended (by formal public and press notice seeking objections) circa July 2015. The consolidated orders are amended once each year to enable multiple draft orders to be published at once.
The cost to publish a draft order and the subsequent making of the order (subject to the consideration of objections) is approx. £1,000. We cannot afford to publish each order on its own. In order to make the process affordable we will publish a consolidated order once each year, thereby enabling 20+ new orders to feature in one press notice". This was noted by Council
* Sticle Path - Weeds/nettles had been cut back, suggested that Clerk ask Council to apply weedkiller.
* Graffiti in tunnel to town (between Cranks and town) - Update.
* Trees in Pibwrlwyd - Site inspection showed some trees from both lines planted. I think there were about 300 trees on site. From the remaining trees should be relatively easy to confirm number planted. Agreed following:
a) Western Power will identify and mark utility lines.
b) Both lines of trees will be replaced in the Autumn and each tree will have a chipping mulch to reduce competition and mark their location.
c) Trees species will be based on the species identified in leaflet.
d) First line of trees will not necessarily be in the same place - dependent on where the utilities are to be found.
e) Site meeting to be arranged in November to confirm arrangements before replanting takes place. This was noted by Council
* Speeding traffic - Carmarthenshire County Council asked 'did report on Penymorfa Lane get considered by speed awareness committee?' Also queried position of "speed cables" placed outside park - awaiting response.
* Welcome pack - i) Amendments to be sent to Cllr Whatley
ii) Facebook page addresses of Council and Llangunnor Network to be added
iii) Updated pack to be placed on webpage
iv) Web sub-committee to consider any further information that can be added - space allowing.

6. The Park

The Clerk circulated the notes of previous sub-committee meeting (see website for minutes). Council agreed that path be extended to the front of the playwall.

7. Web Sub-Committee Update

The Clerk circulated the notes of previous sub-committee meeting.

8. Motion by Cllr Griffiths.
"Llangunnor Community Council request that Carmarthenshire County Council investigate the change of medium of instruction from English to Welsh in the Nursery at Llangunnor School in 2010. Were there consultations with the appropriate bodies and was the correct procedure followed?"

The Clerk apologised to Cllr Griffiths for any misunderstanding but having compared this with the amended motion put to Council in April 2015 he had to advise Council that it was contrary to Standing Orders and could not be placed on the agenda for 6 months. Cllr Griffiths accepted this advice.

9. Bus Service to Llangunnor

Cllr Griffiths reported that he had been some issues with wheelchair users and buses from town. It was agreed that Clerk make some enquiries about the service being provided.

10. To receive reports from Members representing Council on other Bodies

• Cllr Watson confirmed that the River Festival would be held on Saturday 29th August from 4.00pm - 9.30pm Apart from the usual events it was to include instruction on how to enjoy the river safely following the recent tragic accident.

• Cllr Bevan had recently attended Code of Conduct training and he highlighted some matters that Cllrs should consider. Clerk to circulate copy of presentation.

• Cllr Elwyn Williams reported that there had not been a meeting of school governors.

• Cllr Dafydd Williams reported he would be attending One Voice Wales Carmarthenshire AGM, Chair indicated she may also attend.

11. Approve Schedule of Accounts May/Jun 2015

It was Resolved (minute 0615-11) proposed Cllr West and seconded Cllr Totterdale that the following schedule of accounts be approved (unanimous):

A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:

Payee Info (£) Amount
E Williams Playing Field (31/05/15) 75.00
CJ Thomas Salary - June 2015 612.84
Office Allowance - June 2015 90.00
IT Allowance - June 2015 30.00
Travelling - April - June 2015 74.70
Fresh Air Fitness Approved in May meeting 437.58
See Below Payments from Chair's Fund 350.00
Zurich Insurance Insurance Cover *following advice from the Chair of Finance it was unanimously agreed to continue with Zurich 558.69

Chair's Fund Donations

Info (£) Amount
St Cynnwr W.I. 50.00
Babell Chapel 50.00
Sugarcraft Guild - Donation for funds/Cover cost of AGM 100.00
Llangunnor School - Cover costs for caretaker during The Big Lunch 100.00
Llangunnor Church Flower Account 20.00

B) Council to note receipt of income: None

12. Correspondence

It was RESOLVED (Minute 0615-12) that the following correspondence be noted/action taken

No Date Nature of Correspondence Agreed Action
1 Letter of complaint received - Advice from Carmarthenshire County Council 'as complaints are not substantiated, but serious, the complainant be advised that it would be inappropriate for the Community Council to investigate and that the complaints be directed to the Ombudsman who would be considered more independent'. No further details will be provided. Noted
2 Carmarthenshire County Council - Supporting Rural Carmarthenshire, pamphlets available with the Clerk. Clerk to circulate
3 Notification of One Voice Wales AGM Noted
4 E-mail from parent in respect of school transport Referred to Cllr Elwyn Williams
5 E-mail from resident in Penymorfa, re: grass cutting, Referred to Carmarthenshire County Council, it is private land.
6 E-mail from resident in new Maes Lewis Morris, re: noise from park late at night Referred to Police

13. Any other Business

* Sticle Path needs cutting - Clerk to contact Carmarthenshire County Council and ask whether the path can be treated with weedkiller.
* Sticle Path - Clerk to follow up previous enquiry in respect of anti-slip surface.

::Under Standing Order 64 - The press and public were asked to leave::

14. Report

Members considered the private report from the Clerk, and it was agreed that the Clerk be sanctioned to liaise with third parties and report back on the matter within a reasonable time-scale.

15. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 16th July 2015.

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 October 2015 ¦  November 2015 ¦  December 2015 ¦

Every effort has been made to check the above for accuracy however if you find a mistake please contact us.

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