¦ Minute List ¦
¦ 17 March 1919 ¦  22 April 1919 ¦  20 May 1919 ¦  8 July 1919 ¦  5 August 1919 ¦  23 September 1919 ¦

September 1919

Llangunnor Parish Council - Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the above council will be held at the Login Schoolroom on Tuesday the 23rd day of September 1919 at 7.30pm


To pay bills
To consider a circular from the Agricultural Education Committee inviting applications for a course of lectures in Agriculture.
And any other business

A meeting was held on the 23rd day of September 1919 at 7.30pm, Mr John Rees presided.

Rev George Evans proposed and Mr William Jones seconded that the following bill be paid viz.

Payee (£ Shilling Pence)
Clerks Expenses 2s. 9d
Returning officer fee 6s. 0d

8s. 9d

It was proposed by Mr William Jones and seconded by Mr Thomas Jones that an application be made to the County Council for a course of lectures on Agriculture. Carried

Proposed by Mr William Jones and seconded by Rev George Evans that the Clerk should apply for a course of lectures in Horticulture. Carried

It was proposed by Rev George Evans and seconded by Mr David Roberts that the County Council should be requested to erect notices warning motorists passing through the village to drive at a moderate pace. Carried

Proposed by Mr William Jones that the Clerk should write to the County Council making a protest re: the slippery state of the man road seconded by Mr David Roberts. Carried

Proposed by Mr David Roberts and seconded by Rev George Evans that the names of all those from the parish who had fallen in the Great War be registered in the Parish Council minute book. Carried non con

Members Present:

Mr John Rees (Chairman), Rev George Evans, Mr Thomas Lewis, Mr Thomas Lewis, Mr Thomas Jones, Mr David Roberts, Mr William Jones and the Clerk Daniel Rees.

¦ Minute List ¦
¦ 17 March 1919 ¦  22 April 1919 ¦  20 May 1919 ¦  8 July 1919 ¦  5 August 1919 ¦  23 September 1919 ¦

Every effort has been made to check the above for accuracy however if you find a mistake please contact us.

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