¦ Minute List ¦
 23 March 1915 ¦  20 April 1915 ¦  27 July 1915 ¦  31 August 1915 ¦  23 September 1915 ¦

September 1915

Llangunnor Parish Council - Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Parish Council will be held at the Login Schoolroom on Tuesday the 23rd day of September 1915 at 7.30pm


To pay bills
To consider the necessity of closing up those levels of the Old Mead mines which are open to the main road.
And any other business

A meeting was held at the Login Schoolroom on Tuesday the 23rd day of September 1915 at 7.30pm Mr Thomas Walters presided.

Rev George Evans proposed that a vote of thanks be accorded to Miss Jenkins of Penymorfa, and Rev J Jenkins Vicar for giving their voluntary service as enumerators in connection with the Registration. He also proposed that the Clerk Daniel Rees should be thanked for also acting as an enumerator and for having secured the services of the two other mentioned enumerators. Agreed.

Proposed by Mr B Griffiths and seconded by Mr Thomas Evans that the following bills be paid viz

Payee (£ Shilling Pence)
Clerks Expenses 3s.1d
Printing 100 circulars 4s


Mr Lewis Rogers proposed and Mr David Evans seconded that the Clerk should write to the Clerk of the County Council pointing out the necessity of closing up those levels of the Old Lead Mines under Cystanog Wood which are open to the main road, as the same are a source of danger to the public. Agreed.

Members Present:

Mr Thomas Walters (Chairman), Rev George Evans, Mr Thomas Evans, Mr Lewis Rogers, Mr John Morris, Mr Benjamin Griffiths, Mr David Evans, Mr Thomas Griffiths, Mr Essex Morris and the Clerk Daniel Rees.

¦ Minute List ¦
 23 March 1915 ¦  20 April 1915 ¦  27 July 1915 ¦  31 August 1915 ¦  23 September 1915 ¦

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